
A series of animated explorations, collectively orbiting the various meanings and associations of SPIN.

Rotation: circular movement around a central axis. Stars do this, planets too. In quantum theory we say electrons have spin, as they possess angular momentum and a magnetic moment. But you’re not to take it seriously, to think of them as actually rotating, it’s just a metaphor. Metaphor: a carrying across words, after words, beyond speech. An inventory of objects, a handbook for the theory and practice of life: record under needle, film roll, reel-to-reel tape recorder. Rotary phone, close-up, number dialled. Celestial motion. And a movement that could describe these things, all the objects and meanings: phone call, LP, cinema, metaphor; technological, planetary, atomic, personal. Could describe after speech, after all the words.

For enquiries and collaborations please contact [email protected].